Society: Rabbids
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Leader:Silicon Skam Chip
Founder:Silicon Skam Chip
Found Date:09-11-2006
Average HP:125.8
Average Total Skill:88371.5
Average Highest Skill:5375.1
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Some of the members in this society.

Full NameGiven NameSociety RankCountryProfessionHighest SkillTotal SkillsHealthDate of ArrivalPlace of Arrival
 Ailena Shadow-Ale SchattenjaegerShadow-Ale Norway 533086104125  
 Balder Viking VikingssonViking SwedenHunter   15-07-2003Port Atlantis
 Baxter Bugsy EwingDanRookieRomaniaHunter37262647910305-03-2007Port Atlantis
 Dr Lizzay EscobarLizzayAdvisorUnited KingdomHunter7423142602155 Port Atlantis
 Fama Sessan FernzSessanGruntSwedenHunter6445109165137 Port Atlantis
 Gobbles Gabzor GabzillaGabzor FranceMiner6070234739727-12-2003Port Atlantis
 Ibn Teelk JaffaScott        
 Jonah peron Perezperon SwitzerlandHunter, Crafter, Miner933898593 Port Atlantis
 Jorgen Lactarius Arctica WickstromJørgenGruntNorwayHunter, Miner4158 11618-12-2003Port Atlantis
 Limnea Doc OvataDoc   45267743612116-10-2006Port Atlantis
 Lomax Thirteententh NorthwichThirteententhVeteranUnited KingdomMF/Hunting   08-12-2004Atlas Haven
 Meya Mya FernzMyaGroup LeaderIrelandHunter7486157516163  
 Miss Misty DawnMistyVeteranUnited KingdomHairstylist515694817123 Port Atlantis
 Parre Paralyser NilssonParreCounselorSwedenHunter69328783412122-11-2003Port atlantis
 Rothgar "GRoth" GoodnarGRothAdvisorUnited StatesHunter / Crafter / Miner732522259316719-12-2004Port Atlantis
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