Creature: Hackfin
Specifications                  [Edit]
Maturity Class:Hackfin
Found on:Planet Cyrene
HP of least Maturity:50 HP
Scanning:Animal Investigator
Planet Cyrene

Overboard - Rank 1

Objective: Kill 3000 Hackfin
Reward: 3.34 PED Longblades or Shortblades or Clubs

Overboard - Rank 2

Objective: Kill 6000 Hackfin
Reward: x.xx PED Bravado or Melee Combat or Diagnosis

Overboard - Rank 3

Objective: Kill 9000 Hackfin

A.R.C. Faction Mission

A.R.C. Faction - Rank 1

Objective: Kill 70 Hackfin
Reward: 2 A.R.C. Faction Badge

Other Mission Info

"Scary" Hackfin

Objective: Kill 20 Hackfin
Reward: 1 Imperium Armor Plating I

The Hackfin is a medium sized fish. Its gentle nature should not be confused for weakness. The Hackfin will put up a good fight if disturbed and will not stop until it defeats its foe. Found off most coasts, the Hackfin tends to live a more solitary life, though schools can often be found during the spawning season. Its fins are a valuable commodity with certain locals who make weapons and tools from them.

Codex Rewards










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Maturity Levels

Attributes of the creature. Damage vs. Armor calculations.

MaturityHealthRegen. SpeedDamageDanger LevelHP/LvlThreatTaming Level
Mature50 16316.780 
Old100 15425150 
Provider290  558  
Guardian410  668.3  
Dominant610 37876.32257 
Alpha810  1081  
Old Alpha1010  1284.2  
Prowler1240  1488.6  
 HPHP/sHP   Level

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Loots from this creature. The "Last VU" button updates the "Latest VU" column to the current VU. Entries with a red background have not yet been reported to drop this VU. Warning: Some loots may be false.
The "Maturity" column is used to indicate the lowest maturity from which an item has been looted.

ItemFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
Animal HideCommonMature18.4.2Last VUEdit
Animal Oil ResidueVery oftenMatureLast VUEdit
Animal Muscle OilVery oftenMatureLast VUEdit
Advanced Cloth ExtractorCommonMatureLast VUEdit
Basic Leather ExtractorCommonMatureLast VUEdit
ShrapnelVery oftenMatureLast VUEdit
Focus Lens ComponentCommonMatureLast VUEdit
Inferior Cloth ExtractorCommonMature18.0.0Last VUEdit
Paint Can (Steel Blue)UncommonMatureLast VUEdit
Socket 1 ComponentUncommonMature17.23.2.aLast VUEdit
Soft HideUncommon 17.21.2Last VUEdit
WoolCommonMatureLast VUEdit
Animal Eye OilOftenAlphaLast VUEdit
Socket 2 ComponentCommonAlphaLast VUEdit
Tier 1 ComponentUncommonMature17.18.1Last VUEdit
<< < 1 2 3 > >> (All)

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Where the creature can be found.

ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand Area
Planet Cyrene13844776689CreatureHackfin Mature to OldHigh

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Defence Skills

The following skills are involved by being attacked by this creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: AgilityNo840
Combat: Combat ReflexesNo111600
Combat: Combat SenseYes6800
Defense: AvoidanceYes70
Defense: EvadeNo250
General: AlertnessNo50
General: AthleticsNo14533.3
General: CourageNo7320
General: IntuitionYes31600
General: QuicknessYes93200
General: SerendipityYes51600

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Scanning Skills

You get these skills by scanning the creature.

SkillHiddenSkill EffectHP increase
Attributes: IntelligenceNo280
General: PerceptionNo51600
Information: ProbingNo60
Information: Scan AnimalNo460
Science: AnalysisNo100
Science: BiologyNo100
Science: BotanyNo80
Science: ComputerNo20
Science: ScientistYes51600
Science: XenobiologyYes40
Science: ZoologyNo20

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