Mission: Craft an Ozpyn Cold Protector (L)!
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Cyrene
Mission Chain:Repeatable (Cyrene)
Objective:Craft an Ozpyn Cold Protector (L)
Reward:Armor Technology (eq. 0.04 PED Implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Ron Sophiscus - Item Fabricator
Nearest City:0x101 Supply Depot
Added:Planet Cyrene 2013.2

Hail <nickname>!

Quick I need you...

- WHAT? What is it?

... to craft an Ozpyn Cold Protector (L).

Ha, it's nothing serious...

Anyways, if you do it, I'll increase your Armor Technology skill by 0.04 PED.

You in?

- Yes, indeed.
- No, jerk.

All good, come back whenever.

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