Material: Powder (Deep Peach)
Specifications                  [Edit]
Type:Make Up
Weight:0.01 kg
Value:6 PED
Found on:Entropia Universe
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This item has been reported to drop from these creatures.

CreatureFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
Horny Little DevilUncommon 17.23.2.aLast VUEdit
Demon HackerNo longer drops 15.17.1Last VUEdit
WerewolfNo longer drops 15.17.0Last VUEdit
Code DemonNo longer drops 15.15.1Last VUEdit
 Booty Raid INo longer drops 15.10.3Last VUEdit
Phasm (Calypso)No longer drops 14.0.3Last VUEdit
Osseocollum (Calypso)No longer drops 10.4.2Last VUEdit
GradivoreNo longer drops 9.2.4Last VUEdit

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