Excavator: Genesis Rookie Extractor (L)
Specifications                  [Edit]
Weight:1.5 kg
Uses:17 /Min
Reload:3.53 sec
Maximal TT:0.01 PED
Minimal TT:0.0003 PED

The Genesis Rookie OreExtractor is a simple tool used in mining training. In the inventory ("I" key) you find it under the Tools tab.

When operated, the OreExtractor will drill into the ground and excavate the find. The excavated ores will appear in your loot window and in your inventory.

To use it, you need a mining claim for ores. Walk up to the Claim Marker. Then equip the OreExtractor (right-click on the item, choose Equip from the drop down menu). Aim it at the claim marker. Then operate the extractor.

There are several ways to operate the OreExtractor. If you are in Aim mode, you can drop bombs by pressing left mouse button. If you are using default settings (Action set panel 1 is active), you can press 2 for Operate. You can also select Use Tool from the context menu by right-clicking.

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