Armor Part: Ankitus Gloves
Specifications                  [Edit]
Weight:0.3 kg
Maximal TT:3 PED
Markup (M): 
Markup (F): 
Found on:Planet Arkadia
Discovered:Planet Arkadia 2013.2
Markup (M)
User Value:6.69 PED (2012-06-10)
Markup (F)
User Value:9.50 PED (2012-06-10)

Variant: Ankitus Gloves

Availability: Manufactured

Preceding Level: Unknown

Next Level: Unknown

To Use: Equip and wear while taking damage.


The Ankitus armour design was first located in an old cache near the ruins of what is thought to be the ancient city of Aakas.


The design seems particularly suited to the conditions found in the desert areas of Arkadia and may indicate that a substantial population dwelt there in ancient times.


Current transcripts from Archaeological Society research teams indicate that this armour may have been planned as some sort of status symbol in the ancient society of Arkadia.


For now, Ankitus is manufactured for colonist use, based on the original designs translated by the Archaeological Society.

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